In Project Vulcanite, players embark on an epic journey as a fire soldier determined to reclaim a world plunged into icy chaos by the Ice Queen. As the protagonist, Vulcanite, players traverse through the frozen tundra, facing relentless challenges to reach the heart of the frost-encrusted realm.

Project Vulcanite is an immersive experience that uses intense combat to unravel the Ice Queen's hold on the land. Navigate through landscapes, confront enemies, and make your way to the Ice Queen's lair to take back control!


Reece Halda

Erin Imboden

Garrett Reece

Mike Thiel


Colin Kintzinger

Staton Otto

Dylan Rothbauer

Zachary Speckan

Music by:

ExitiumLux ( )


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Sadly, the game still needs to be played in full screen. The top and bottom bounds are cut off.